With a genuine love and concern for each child, this Christian based weekday education program will provide a wholesome, stable atmosphere conducive to learning.  We strive to enrich students' lives with a variety of age appropriate activities which enhance spiritual emotional, mental, and physical development.

A Ministry of Newington Baptist Church


Welcome to the Newington Courthouse Preschool (NCP) ministry of Newington Baptist Church!

Preschool in today’s world is an important part of lifelong learning as it prepares a child for years of formal education. At NCP we lay a foundation for learning facts and figures in an atmosphere of caring and faith.

Newington considers every child a blessing from God and they are treated with the dignity and respect they deserve. That comes directly from the words of Jesus in the Bible. “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these” Matthew 19:14. This is only one of Jesus’ teachings about the value of children as being precious in his sight.

 It is a privilege to honor the trust you have placed in NCP by enrolling your child. It is our pledge to provide a great preschool experience where your child is loved by our faculty and staff. We also honor the trust that little children place in their teachers at this point in their young life. Trust and security is important to you, your child and to all the staff and faculty at NCP.

Raising your children to be healthy of body, mind and soul, requires love, patience and help from others. As we at Newington Baptist Church can be a friend and resource to you as a parent, please call on us. We are here for you and your child.

Blessings to you and your family.